Monday, February 28, 2011

Progress Update: 2011-03-01

First update, I fell off the bandwagon on everything! Just kidding, but I did have some strays off course.

Adherence to plan and adjustments:

Around the beginning of February, I had some problems staying away from a few things like Pizza and Ben & Jerry's. I didn't go completely crazy, but I did fall victim to the temptations a couple of times. This did not result in any significant fat gain, but it did stall any fat loss for a few weeks. So, basically, by Feb 15th I was still at about the same status as Jan 15th without any measurable changes.

Other than the few nutritional strays, I have stuck to my plan pretty well. Starting Monday Feb 28 I will be switching things up a bit. The 8/16 fast every weekday was a bit tiring on me, so I am going to decrease that to M/W/F. I will have a breakfast of eggs and some meat on Tuesday and Thursdays. I will be keeping Saturday and Sunday the same except that I will be limiting Saturday to only one feast/re-feed meal and eat more paleo for the rest of the day.

I have changed my gym membership from Life Time Fitness to Zoo Gym. Life Time is nice, but it's just more than I need and can be way too crowded at many hours. I am really diggin the equipment at the Zoo Gym and the location is better for me. I will be doing strength/resistance training on M/W/F with pushing on Monday, Pulling on Tuesday, and Balance/Flexibility/Stabilization on Fridays. Tuesday and Thursday will be some sort of interval training style workout. Saturday is for play and Sunday is for rest.

No picture updates this time. I will do a photo update on the first of next month.

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